Are Dermaplaning Razors Safe? A Comprehensive Guide

Dermaplaning is a skin care treatment that involves the use of a small exfoliating scalpel to remove the top layer of skin, which is usually home to dirt, grease, dead skin cells, and peach fuzz. Most people are candidates for dermaplaning, however, if you have sensitive skin, acne, active eczema, or other eruptions, it is not recommended. Dermaplaning is similar to shaving, however, the tool is more suitable for exfoliating the epidermis than a razor. It can be done in a salon by a beautician or at home.

Dermaplaning can help decrease acne breakouts and reduce the appearance of acne scars and fine lines. It also allows deeper penetration of skin care products, increases collagen production and stimulates cell growth. To maintain results, it is recommended to shave your face or do dermaplaning about twice a month. If you are just starting out with dermaplaning and don't want to go all out, facial razors are a great budget option to start with.

However, if you have active cystic acne or super sensitive skin or rosacea, it is best to consult with your dermatologist before starting a dermaplaning routine. It is important to note that dermaplaning does not cause a change in texture in hair regrowth and after treatment it is best to opt for softer skin care products. Dermaplaning razors are safe when used correctly and can be an excellent addition to your skincare routine.