Does Hair Grow Back Normally After Dermaplaning? An Expert's Perspective

Facial hair can be a source of insecurity for many people, making it difficult to apply makeup evenly and smoothly. Dermaplaning is a non-invasive beauty treatment that uses an exfoliating blade to remove dead skin cells and fine facial hair, known as peach fuzz. But does hair grow back normally after dermaplaning? Let's take a look at the facts. Contrary to popular belief, dermaplaning does not permanently remove hair. Over time, facial hair will regrow after the procedure.

Patients often worry that the hair will come back thicker and darker, but this is not true. The only time a person's hair can change color or thickness is as a result of hormonal changes or an imbalance. Immediately after dermaplaning, your skin will look brighter and smoother. However, this does not mean that the skin will return to the look it did before the procedure. Hair will start to regrow in four to five weeks, but it will not be thicker or darker than before.

Dermaplaning does not cause any permanent changes to the hair. It is important to note that dermaplaning is different from shaving. When hair starts to grow back after dermaplaning, it may feel slightly different because it was cut in a straight line during treatment. This is not the case with shaving, which cuts the hair at an angle. Dermaplaning is a safe and effective way to remove facial hair and dead skin cells. It can also help skin care products work more effectively by removing the barrier formed by hair and dead skin cells.

However, it is important to make sure that you are getting your treatment from a licensed and experienced professional. In conclusion, dermaplaning does not cause permanent changes to facial hair. Over time, facial hair will regrow after the procedure in the same color and texture as before. Dermaplaning can help improve the appearance of your skin in the short term, but it is important to remember that it is not a permanent solution.