Does Dermaplaning Make Hair Grow Back Thicker or Darker?

It's a common misconception that facial hair will become thicker or darker after dermaplaning. This is simply not true, as Dermaplaning is a non-invasive exfoliating treatment that does not affect the way the hair grows. The short answer is no, dermaplaning will not make your hair grow back thicker or darker. It's true that dermaplaning provides temporary results and facial hair will grow back, but it will remain the same color and thickness as before the procedure.

Dermaplaning physically removes hair and impurities from the skin's surface without reaching the hair follicle, so it cannot alter the way the hair grows. Dermaplaning is a quick and safe procedure that offers two treatments in one: facial hair removal and exfoliation. In addition, patients quickly become accustomed to the soft, hairless look and forget about what their face looks like with peach fuzz, especially if their hair is darker. While dermaplaning cannot be done on skin with active acne, it can help prevent clogged pores and pimples from forming.

This hair is so thin and soft that removing it with a dermaplaning tool will have little to no impact on its appearance when it grows back. To maintain a glowing complexion, schedule a monthly dermaplaning session at the Vibrant Skin Bar. For example, dermaplaning can be used before a chemical peel to allow acids to penetrate deeper into the skin and improve the effectiveness of the peel. An exfoliating treatment that involves gently scraping the surface of the skin with a surgical scalpel is an effective way to brighten the skin, remove those pesky baby hairs, and create a better foundation for makeup.

Unlike an exfoliant, however, dermaplaning does not irritate or cause microabrasions to the skin, so it won't cause hyperpigmentation. Since Dermaplaning is very effective at removing dead skin cells, some customers may experience a mild sunburn sensation.However, when it comes to your face and neck, those hairs can be quite noticeable, especially if you have naturally dark hair. There is no cutting involved; instead, the scalpel removes hairs (“peach fuzz”) along with dead skin cells and other debris from the skin's surface. Like shaving, dermaplaning removes fine facial hair and dead skin from the face with a razor blade, instantly revealing smoother skin.

However, recently Molly-Mae Hague has raised some questions about it, sharing that she regrets having dermaplaning done and now has what she calls 'basically a full beard'. Dermaplaning is a popular facial treatment that involves using a sharp surgical scalpel to remove the top layer of dead cells, environmental impurities, and soft skin hairs known as peach hairs or lint.