Dermaplaning: Is it Dermatologist Recommended?

Dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure that removes the upper layers of the skin, aiming to eliminate fine wrinkles and deep acne scars, as well as make the surface of the skin look smooth.


is safe for most people, with little risk of side effects if performed by a certified dermatologist. So, what exactly manages to lightly scrape the skin with a scalpel? Apparently, a lot. Doctors can recommend dermaplaning to anyone who is about to undergo laser treatment or deep chemical peel, to allow the products to penetrate deeper into the skin.

Yes, dermaplaning at home is as good for your skin as a dermaplaning appointment at a dermatologist or beauty salon. If done correctly, the benefits of dermaplaning can revitalize and restore the glow of your complexion. Dermaplaning is used to treat deep acne scars with a portable instrument called a dermatome. The dermatome looks like an electric razor and has an oscillating blade that moves back and forth to evenly remove surface layers of skin surrounding craters or other facial defects.

But if you're simply looking for an excellent exfoliating treatment and want something manual rather than chemical (like a facial scrub), the procedure is an excellent alternative. This makes it stand out against rejuvenation and laser peels, which may not be suitable for all skin types, says Dr. A beautician, plastic surgeon, or dermatologist can perform skin rejuvenation procedures, such as dermaplaning.A person must choose a professional who has the appropriate training and a valid license. Ingleton says the biggest reason he does dermaplaning in his practice is to remove hair hairs, but that the blade also gets rid of a surface layer of dead skin.For anything other than peach fuzz (or if your skin is very sensitive), it's always best to consult a professional for dermaplaning.

Dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure that involves scraping the face with a scalpel to remove the epidermis, the top layer of the skin, and small hairs, explains Jenny Kim, M.Dermaplaning is a skin treatment that uses a specialized blade similar to a surgical scalpel called a dermatome to remove the dead skin and hairs. Dermaplaning is a non-invasive skin procedure that involves the use of a sharp tool to exfoliate the surface of the skin while removing small and fine hairs. As long as your skin isn't super sensitive and you don't experience any major breakouts, dermaplaning is a low-risk way to exfoliate your skin and remove facial hair. You should postpone dermaplaning if you have a tan, sunburn, active acne, an outbreak of striking rosacea, or an inflammatory skin condition such as eczema or psoriasis, says Dr.

The effectiveness of dermaplaning depends to a large extent on the professional's experience and the person's expectations.There are dermaplaning devices like Dermaflash that you can use to do yourself at home, but no matter what you choose, it's better to use a smoother razor than you would see in a professional. Since dermaplaning does not damage the hair follicles, facial hair will regrow exactly as before. Just make sure you use a fresh new dermaplane razor that's designed specifically for your face (you'll have to throw away the blades after one or two uses, by the way). In Ingleton practice, dermaplaning is often an adjunct that is done before other treatments such as microdermabrasion or ablative lasers such as Fraxel.

Having a dermatologist as your skin care mentor can help you navigate the dermaplaning process at home. So if you're looking for an effective way to exfoliate your skin while removing facial hair without any major risks involved - then dermaplaning might be just what you need! Just make sure you consult with your dermatologist first before trying it out.