Why Dermaplaning Can Lead to Breakouts

Dermaplaning is a popular skincare procedure that involves using a surgical blade to remove the top layer of skin. While it can leave your face looking brighter and smoother, it can also lead to breakouts if not done correctly. This is because the procedure can leave your skin more exposed to bacteria, which can cause an outbreak. Additionally, the skin may simply react adversely to the process, leading to irritation and small bumps.

The worst-case scenario when it comes to dermaplaning gone wrong is scarring or cutting. This is more likely to occur if there are fewer layers of skin that can be removed. To avoid this, it's important to make sure your skin is in the right condition for the procedure and to go to a professional who is trained and licensed. Breakouts after dermaplaning are more common than you might think, so it's important to be aware of how your skin might react.

People with certain skin conditions should avoid dermaplaning altogether. After the procedure, it's important to avoid any additional scrubs or harsh cleansers with active ingredients for at least 24 hours. Dermaplaning can be combined with other hair removal methods such as threading or laser for a smoother complexion without thick hair. However, because it brings new skin to the surface, it can also make your skin more susceptible to sun damage.

For this reason, it's important to make sure you are working with a professional who knows how to perform the procedure correctly and assess if your skin is in the right condition for dermaplaning.