How Long Do the Results of Dermaplaning Last?

Dermatologists agree that dermaplaning is an effective treatment for those looking to make their skin look younger, smoother, and brighter. However, the results of this procedure typically only last for three weeks. Dermaplaning exfoliates the top layer of dead skin cells, peach fuzz, and excess oil with a scalpel. This deep peel treatment can remove up to two weeks of dead skin, and the results can last anywhere from two to four weeks.

There is no recovery period associated with this treatment, so you can return to your normal schedule right away. The skin may appear a little red after the procedure, but this should go away within an hour.You can reapply your cosmetics as soon as you want, although some patients prefer to enjoy the feeling of open pores for a few hours. It's important to note that results will vary from person to person. To get the most out of your dermaplaning treatment, it's recommended that you receive it once a month (4 weeks apart).Dermaplaning is a relatively cost-effective procedure compared to other facial treatments on the market.

It doesn't require general anesthesia, but your healthcare provider may put a numbing cream or spray on your face about half an hour before the procedure. This treatment relies on a scalpel to remove dead skin cells, while chemical peels rely on an acid mask.Dermaplaning and shaving are both used to remove facial hair, but that's where the similarities end. Dermaplaning can help reduce the appearance of acne scars or other skin imperfections by revealing newer, undamaged skin. For a dermaplaning treatment that offers both on the path of skin revitalization, a scalpel facial treatment is a decidedly easy and convenient option.Since this dermaplaning treatment completely removes the skin of dead cells that are around it, it is best to allow the surface of the face to fully regenerate before returning for another dermaplaning treatment session.

Hair will regrow in four to five weeks.Don't forget to ask about the promotions CloudMed Spa offers in dermaplaning or other treatments. If you're considering dermaplaning but first want to know more about it, you're in the right place.