Should You Get Dermaplaning Done by a Professional?

Every time a sharp object is used on the face, there is a risk of causing skin damage. Dr. Downie has seen patients with scars after a dermaplaning session gone wrong. To ensure the safest experience possible, it is best to consult a board-certified professional dermatologist for this type of procedure.

Board certification is an additional step that demonstrates that a physician has completed advanced training in their specialty. You can find a board-certified specialist by visiting the American Academy of Dermatology website. Dermaplaning is usually done by a licensed esthetician who has received formal education and training in the procedure. Bogaert, who is certified to perform dermaplaning, points out that estheticians or dermatologists who want to learn dermaplaning can enroll in a two-day training program to receive their dermaplaning certification.

Contrary to popular belief, shaving or dermaplaning will not cause peach fuzz to grow back thicker or darker. Cutting hair at skin level does not affect the number of hair follicles or how quickly the hair grows. Dermaplaning is a skin treatment that uses a specialized blade similar to a surgical scalpel called a dermatome to remove dead skin and hair. Bankson believes that the reason dermaplaning was not as popular until now is that people were not comfortable talking about shaving their faces.

In Ingleton practice, dermaplaning is often an adjunct that is done before other treatments such as microdermabrasion or ablative lasers such as Fraxel.Dermaplaning should not cause any additional outbreaks, although it should not be done with active outbreaks either. When it comes to achieving a “bright look”, dermaplaning may be exactly what you were looking for. Dermaplaning treatment is no different, and since it involves a small blade, it's no surprise that first-time customers have many questions about it. While dermaplaning is suitable for most skin types, it is not safe for people with extremely sensitive skin, active acne breakouts, or inflammatory skin conditions such as rosacea or eczema.One of the most effective aesthetic treatments to transform your skin quickly and safely is dermaplaning.

Microdermabrasion is a procedure similar to dermaplaning and generally produces comparable results. While dermaplaning is an excellent solution for several skin types, it's not the perfect solution for everyone, so it's important to talk to your esthetician before doing any skin work. Dermaplaning removes the top layer of skin to reveal newer skin cells that can make a person's skin look smoother and brighter.If you decide to try dermaplaning, make sure you work with a professional dermatologist to get the safest experience possible. In addition, dermaplaning is not recommended for all skin types, so it's best to consult with a dermatologist to find out if it's right for you.