Dermaplaning: How Often Should You Do It?

Dermaplaning is a popular skincare treatment that can help improve the texture and appearance of your skin. It works by removing dead skin cells, surface imperfections, and unwanted hair. But how often should you do it? According to medical esthetician, Karen Campbell, dermaplaning should be done every three to four weeks. This is because the razor used in the treatment is only used to shave the skin, not to cut or pierce it.

However, there is a small risk of having small cuts in the skin that can cause infection or scarring. Campbell also advises that one dermaplaning session a month is enough to reap the benefits while keeping the skin safe from irritation and excessive exfoliation. Since our skin naturally resurfaces about once a month, this treatment is not permanent. Your doctor will help you decide on a personalized treatment plan based on your ideal results during your consultation.Most patients find that one appointment a month keeps their skin soft and healthy, but more or less frequent treatments are also possible.

Your doctor can help you evaluate your skin and choose the best program to find the perfect balance between avoiding excessive exfoliation and maintaining smooth skin.Because this dermaplaning treatment completely removes the skin of dead cells that are around it, it is best to allow the surface of the face to fully regenerate before returning for another dermaplaning treatment session. This skin cell rejuvenation process usually takes about a month, so we recommend that patients wait four or even six weeks between treatments.Most patients should perform a dermaplane once a month for ideal results. Since the body naturally replaces skin cells every month, this ensures that old cells are removed and new, healthy skin cells are seen. In some cases, more or less frequent visits may be recommended based on the patient's specific needs.

Your dermatologist will want to monitor your skin after dermaplaning and adjust your treatment plan according to the duration of the results.Consistency is very important to ensure the optimal effects of dermaplaning treatments. In addition to committing to regular new treatment, patients should follow a thorough at-home skincare routine to improve the effectiveness of dermaplaning and maintain results as long as possible.If you answered yes to any of these questions, schedule a consultation with your dermatologist to discuss the potential benefits of dermaplaning to improve the health of your skin. Both dermaplaning and chemical peels work to trigger skin rejuvenation through aggressive exfoliation, but the two treatments do this in different ways.Dermaplaning is also great for removing excess fine hair from the face, which can often build up dirt and oil. If you're just starting out with dermaplaning and don't want to go all out, these facial razors are an excellent budget option to start with.

As with most professional skincare techniques, dermaplaning at home requires research and education. Aside from a few small bumps, if you start to have more sensitive or irritated skin, it's a telltale sign that you should reduce dermaplaning sessions. Dermaplaning can help you take the first step to achieving better skin by correcting your skin's texture, revealing brighter skin, and removing dead skin barriers from your favorite skincare products. To sum up, dermaplaning should be done every three to four weeks for optimal results.

However, if you have sensitive or mature skin, you may need less frequent treatments. It's important to consult with your dermatologist before starting any skincare routine so they can help you determine what's best for your individual needs.