Does Hair Grow Back After Dermaplaning? An Expert's Perspective

Facial hair can be a burden for many women, making it difficult to apply makeup smoothly and evenly. Dermaplaning is a skin rejuvenation treatment that uses a medical tool to exfoliate the outer layer of dead skin, skin cells, and hair (peach fuzz). It is a non-invasive exfoliation technique that also removes hair, so it offers twice the benefit of traditional scrubs. But does hair grow back after dermaplaning? Let's take a look at the facts.Many women want to know if their hair will grow back after this treatment.

The answer is yes, the hair that is removed during this exfoliating treatment eventually grows back, just as the new cells revealed by the treatment eventually turn into dead skin cells. Contrary to popular belief, facial hair will not regrow thicker or darker after dermaplaning. Only a change in hormones can affect the appearance of the hair.When you dermaplane your face, you temporarily shave the hair on your face. Over time, it will regrow, usually in about 3-4 weeks.

There is no scientific basis for the myth that dermaplaning causes hair to grow thicker or darker. A surgical blade is used, which only shaves the tips of fine hairs. Nothing happens to the follicles themselves, so hair growth does not change.Your hair will grow back, but it will look the same as it did before receiving treatment. If you naturally have darker hair, it may appear thicker when it grows back, but it may simply be because you have forgotten what it was like before the treatment.Dermaplaning results may not be permanent, as hair will regrow in four to five weeks.

However, this does not mean that the skin will return to the look it did before the procedure. Without hair, your skin will have better access to skin care products and absorb them better.Dermaplaning is actually one of the least painful ways to remove facial hair and dead skin, especially compared to other hair removal techniques such as sugar, threading, and waxing. The only way to affect hair growth is to alter the root of the hair, because that is where the hair is created.We all have hairy hair; it's meant to regulate body temperature with insulation and cooling processes, as needed. But when it comes to dermaplaning, let us assure you that this is not true: your facial hair will regrow after dermaplaning in its original color and texture.Dermaplaning is a great way to exfoliate your skin and remove unwanted facial hair without any long-term effects.

It can help improve your complexion and make your skin look brighter and smoother. So if you're looking for a quick and easy way to get rid of unwanted facial hair without any long-term effects, dermaplaning may be right for you.